
ndoor playground needs to handle of what procedures as well as children's indoor amusement park investment analysis

City life, are more closed, do not even know who the next door neighbor, in addition to friends, there are not any stopping by. Have children, the children would like to find a way to play, is so well-intentioned. So, thinking or do a children's playground, not only to facilitate the baby, but also can increase revenue. Various playgrounds are good business, and sometimes overcrowded! To open a children's indoor playground, how? Right now a lot of money King! There are a lot of friends want to invest in the children's indoor playground preferred to ask us a question, indoor playground need What procedures? On this issue today, childlike Park amusement to be answered investment help our friends! As long as you understand the understanding of everything, you must not blind, Obviously, the likelihood of success on the big! Of indoor playground belonging to the nature of the child's playground, the need to apply strict it up with the following documents:

1, the playground is a special industry. First go to the local industrial and commercial bureau for a business license, business license children can write on such and such a paradise!
2, to the local tax bureau for tax registration certificate!
3, to the Public Security Bureau, the fire brigade for fire permits! Fire formal on the first floor to the third floor operating a children's playground, underground negative layer, and the third floor above the fire children is not easy to escape, there will be a security risk! The mall fire there will be a fire malls no investment will contact the fire audit mall officially Merchants brand had been stationed at the official opening will be reviewed once known as secondary fire
4, to the Health Bureau for health permits (children's park is a popular gathering place recommendations to local health and epidemic prevention departments for the record, in order to avoid unnecessary disputes)
 Adhering to the "the childlike Park" brand of excellent quality and excellence in the details of each product, and strive to meet the internal functioning of children development needs, this is the playful design concept of the park. The Zhengzhou childlike Park design department according to the different venues and investment professional planning and design. Our engineers have taken into account all the details, not only the use of appropriate materials and production to keep in mind the safety of the children.indoor baby swing
Investment funds needed children's indoor playground:
First, the house covers an area of ​​rent, a simple arrangement of space,
Equipment cost, pre-opening advertising investment, tickets handled on cards
Third, business document processing costs
Investment in children's indoor playground Note:
First, consider security issues, such as water, electricity, fire, safety, anti-theft security!
If sufficient funds, it is recommended to install a video camera, to facilitate the management! If it is less than 100 square do not have to!
Can combine kindergarten, primary school and doing promotion, I hope our products can bring you a steady stream of wealth!shoot the chute
Investment in children's indoor playground follow-up:
First Health cleaners, weekly cleansing once a day sorting toys
Second, the equipment maintenance (suppliers have at least one year all free services)
Third update small toys, children continue to manufacture fresh

