
Playground equipment the security the four standard

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With the weather warming, more and more tourists amusement park, play equipment safety measures are particularly important.school playground
Safety Insurance measures
Rides part run by people in the air, the whole structure should be solid and reliable, its important parts are advised to take insurance measures. Hanging by a partly rope or chain shall not be less than the number two. Connection and the seat portion must be considered to maintain balance when a disconnect. Closed cockpit door more than 1m from the ground, must be set up by people can not be opened within the two locking device or a locking device with insurance. Non the closed cockpit at the inlet and outlet Landang objects, should also have a locking device with insurance. When the rides in the running, the power supply suddenly loses power or equipment failure, to endanger by people safety, emergency stop device must be provided automatically or manually. Rides after a failure in the operation, should ease the multiplier measures.swan boat
2. The security fence, the site safety requirements
The security fence should be located forward, exports should preferably be located at the inlet guide fence. The site should have a non-slip measures. Security fence door opening direction and by people traveling in the same direction (in exceptional circumstances). To prevent damage when the door is closed on the officer s hand, the gap between the doorjamb and the column should be appropriate, or take other protective measures. Run edge Xiasheng rides side by people part of the import and export should not be higher than the site 300 mm. Part of the import and export of other recreational facilities by people away from the height of the site should be easy up and down.
By people safety restraints
Rides run by people likely to be moved in the matter ride the collision or will be thrown off, slide out, has multiplied restraints. More dangerous rides, it is necessary to consider setting up two separate sets of restraints. Seat belts, safety pressure bars, Danggan, can be used. Restraints: reliable, comfortable, with the components of direct contact by people with appropriate flexibility. Restraints should be designed to prevent a part of the Take one pinch or crush, should be easy to adjust, easy to operate. Seat belt: can be used alone for minor swing or slower movements, no flipping is not thrown dangerous facilities, the use of seat belts should generally be equipped with auxiliary handle. Keen to sports facilities, seat belt restraints can be used as auxiliary. Safety pressure bar: rides runtime may lead to multiply the risk of people left out, you must set the appropriate type of safety pressure bar; safety pressure bar itself must have sufficient strength and locking force, to ensure that visitors are not thrown or fall is always locked, and before the device stops running.childrens sandpit

