
Fort naughty children trampoline maintenance

Core Tip: naughty fort often see some children trampoline, with a lot of children go to play, very popular. If you want to better safeguard children trampoline, we must first understand the children's trampoline. Child

 Naughty fort often see some children trampoline, with a lot of children go to play, very popular. If you want to better safeguard children trampoline, we must first understand the children's trampoline.

Children trampoline material introducedbaby play equipment

Children trampoline naughty fort, now generally use some spring to do, there are a lot of advantages compared to the previous steel frame, which is very comfortable spring, generally 5-6 people play are comfortable.

Maintenance of children's trampoline

Regular checks trampoline junction loose, if loose should promptly notify the manufacturer for repair or yourself reinforcement, in order to determine the normal use.
       2 a day to clean up the debris on the trampoline, to prevent hard objects bumps children.boat house
       Regularly on the trampoline surface cleaning treatment approach with a vacuum cleaner or a wet towel to wipe dry long time than dirty bedding items directly down at the top with flush.
       4, on a regular basis to detect whether the jumping surface damage should be immediately replaced if it is damaged.

