
outdoor playground and indoor teaching toys buy Forum will convene

Really play to promote the process of quality education for children in China, teaching aids, indoor play sets teaching potential of toys and outdoor play toys for teaching organization, to help early childhood institutions to quickly improve the overall standard of teaching, October 13, 2011, the China Association of toys and baby products will During the Tenth China Toy Fair, joint Cage Group and Zhejiang Great Sage Stationery Co., Ltd. launched the "teach rational allocation of toys, outdoor play toys and indoor security purchase and Teaching Organization Forum activities.soft playground equipment

Both of strong operability combat explain and pointing this forum, there are theoretical analysis and explore forward-looking, kindergarten, early education and training institutions and other professionals to listen, not only to understand the outdoor play toys and puzzle teach the optimal configuration of the toys, the difference function, but also a profound experience of its core values ??to enhance the level of early education, accurately grasp the development direction of quality education for children, early childhood education to successfully carry out the work.
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1 条评论:

  1. Children need to play where this is one of the fact that plays behind the basic character formation. Let the kid play inside or outside of the house. If it is not able to play outside of weather problem, buy an indoor playground structure if at least a 250 sft area is available. Can see example indoor playground structures on this link http://www.funridersindia.com/small-soft-play-structure
